Online Tuition

As this global pandemic hits us in the music world, and every other sector of entertainment of course, many teachers are turning to online teaching.
I am able to teach anybody from any area of the world with online lessons.
My teaching style is an explanatory method, where I break down the skill elements into pieces. You will be able to understand what I am conveying, even over a difficult connection.

I can do these lesson over Zoom, Skype or any other convenient video platform.
Payment is via Paypal prior to the lesson time, usually upon booking the lesson.

Contact me for details and to book a lesson either from the form or call +44 (0)7788 580294

Both my sons are really enjoying guitar lessons on zoom with Dave during this lockdown period.  What an ideal time for them to focus on their music and have something to look forward to and its so nice to hear them pick up a guitar instead of see them on a device ! They have both made great progress and being remote for the lesson hasn’t mattered at all.  As a Mummy its helping me with the “home school” stress too as my 8 year old is occupied with something constructive with someone other than me whilst I grab a chance to do some of my own work !!! Win win.  I will be continuing with the zoom lessons even when life is “normal”. I highly recommend Dave to anyone.

Sam : : two sons from beginner level [child]